Andrea Meacham


Through immersive installations of sculpture, video, sound, textile and live performance, I explore anxieties relating to happiness, shame and failure. Wielding humour and weirdness for their capacity to unsettle, I create and sustain experiences of discomfort and unease, leaning into emotional paradoxes. The comically pathetic, awkward and silly strangeness of my artworks – where nothing is as it seems – seek to expose the dressed-up nakedness of the world in which we live, and to prise open space for newness.

Everything's Gone Green, 2020
HD video

Look How They Shine (detail), 2020
Cotton, chiffon, organza, polyester, velvet, tulle, beads, sequins, thread, wool, dried flowers, polymer clay, copper tube, gold chain
2190mm x 1500mm

Softer Than Satin Was the Lie (detail), 2019
Satin, cotton drill, steel rod, metal eyelets, metal chain, plastic rings, laptop, pedestal fan, latex gloves, sequins, polyester thread, siliconised stuffing, fleece, wall carpet, multi-channel video (02:21 loop), single-channel audio (02:21), nail polish, eye shadow, live performer

Monumental Flop, 2019
Copper pipe, ripstop nylon, metal-chain, carabiner, polyester thread, pedestal fan, plinth, extension cord, PVC pipe, iPhone, single-channel video (01:47 loop), single-channel audio (05:00 loop)


Georgia Laurie McFee


Alexa Meyerowitz