Asaya Everson

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Everything Sings

Everything Sings is a series of oil paintings that represent the internal landscapes that exist in the metaphysical spaces beneath or beyond our incessantly thinking minds. In the quiet moments between thoughts, when our senses gently wander, one may find a feeling of spaciousness within which the world seems to sing.

Imagine the bright colours of Nature shaded of until they almost, but not quite fade into a dream; or this clear-cut world adrift in a sea of mist. Use the magic hand of sleep to smooth of all the sharp corners from reality, and then set it, thus tempered, gently pulsating” (Natsume Soseki).

Through colour I attempt to articulate this vibratory force as it inhabits the space between things; between atoms, between breaths, and the internal landscapes that exist between our thoughts and feelings.

Everything Sings #1, #2, #3, #4 and #5, 2020
Oil paint on board
1200mm x 900mm x 3mm


Ashleigh Espinoza


Lauren Fahey