Celina Klohk


Engaging in a multidisciplinary and iterative approach to my work, I pursue ideas around phenomenology and subjectivity. I am particularly interested in the narrow, limited level of perception that is available to us as individuals. In an attempt to expand my understanding of subjective experience, I use my practice as an opportunity to re-enact my own memories. By exploring conscious experience I am inadvertently unpacking the subconscious processes that form part of the memory. These moments are given a second life, re-lived and amplified through the act of making; they develop into new fictional narratives. I use the female body as a form for creating an empowered narrative around the body and its role in experience. These narratives sometimes give rise to surreal events with slippery, fluid states of being. Moments of solitude contrast busy group gatherings, introspection contrasts a forgotten self.

Fluid, 2020
Oil on panel
1220mm x 1840mm

Growing mould, 2020
Oil on panel
1220mm x 920mm

Appendage, 2020
Oil on panel
1220mm x 1840mm

Moment of reflection, 2020
Oil on panel
1220mm x 920mm

Slippery, 2020
Digital animation


Naomi Klimek


William Kogoi