Inspired by the plants that have surrounded me in my living space during the COVID-19 lockdown, Within the Pages explores relationships between the body, the leaf motif and the pages of a book. This body of work strives to conceal, or reveal, some form of interior space – whether by wrapping leaves in bubble wrap, or by hiding the body behind a curtain of a wearable papery vegetation. The house-plant leaf becomes a personal symbol of a way to consider the inaccessibility of outside space at a time when the population is locked inside.

Hid, 2020
Armature wire, copper wire, cardstock paper, PVA glue, acrylic yarn, copic marker, metallic ink, masking tape
300mm x 270mm x 176mm

Fragile Package, 2020
Copic marker, copic multiliner, armature wire, copper wire, paper, cotton blend yarn, bubble wrap, masking tape, PVA glue
210mm x 570mm x 530mm

Generic Leaves, 2020
Printer paper, on justick board
260mm x 330mm

Bee and Dragonfly, 2019
Brass, 3D printed resin, acrylic paint, varnish, silver, polymer clay
350mm x 200mm x 150mm


Denise Honan


Xueyang Hu Bess