Mackenzie Fisicaro


My practice investigates connections between evolving forms in the subconscious and the transference of ideas from two-dimensions into our physical world through various mediums.

I am curious how information that does not seem relevant in everyday life filters into my art practice and plays with ideas of connection that exist between our thoughts, emotions and physical reality.

My work explores form and the idea of the ‘dissolved self’ through the act of dissolving ink on paper, paring back the medium as it is unable to saturate the page. This generates a ghostly shell or an eerie figure that I am able use as a form to represent the dissolved self. I also make maquettes out of air-dry clay as its fragility allows a variety of textures, splits and chips from handling. The representation of the dissolved self in both mediums carries a narrative of change or disintegration from criticism, vulnerability and insecurity.

The rationale for examining these ideas was generated through beautiful moments of mishaps, allowing the free-flowing inks to become patterns created out of a meditative making process.

Chimeras in the Land of Terra, 2020
Acrylic ink and gold leaf on paper

Chimeras in the Land of Terra, 2020
Acrylic ink and gold leaf on paper

Chimeras in the Land of Terra, 2020
Air dry clay and gold acrylic paint
110mm x 160mm


Samuel Finlayson


Grace Fogarty