Jenny Hickinbotham


I have thoroughly enjoyed the challenge of Fine Art Honours at RMIT this 2020, and have applied to RMIT to study Masters By Research in 2021.

My area of study focuses on mental health, lived experience and sensory/talking therapies. I believe connection through body/mind/spirit is the elephant in the room of trauma. Honours is a research project year; embedding my focus on lived mental health experiences in my work allowed me to use my own body/mind as the site of praxis research. Honours has taught me much more than artistic aesthetic skills and knowledge; I have also enjoyed the opportunity to grow and self-reflect.

I use various creative mediums: the written word, word art, moving images, animation, digital collage with photography and sound art (and my NDIS package supports me to learn singing). My art can be activist, personal, sensory, thought provoking, visually political, humorous and feminist. And I love to tell a story, to provoke curiosity and to keep you thinking by applying ambiguity.

I am so happy living in regional Victoria with two fabulous Tenterfield Terrier dogs, twelve chickens, ten chicks, seven ducklings and nine adult ducks, as well caring for three bee hives and an unknown numbers of bees!

Traumatised Eyes, 2020
Video MP4

The Polyvagal Body Song, 2020
Video MP4
Animation based on Dr Stephen Porges Polyvagal Theory. Song is written, sung and recoded by Jenny Hickbotham

Have You Ever Been to a Cock Fight?, 2020
Video MP4

Diabolical History: Omnipotent Psychiatry, 2020
Video MP4

Diabolical History: Johann River Farm, 2020


Mae Hartrick


Riley Holland