Mary Alice Barton


Painting, drawing, music and feeling have interconnected relationships for me. My paintings are about memory, empathy, paint, colour and surface. These works are a response to the seasonal changes during the year, the colours and shapes that appeared for me in isolation. This year has been great for slowing down and noticing.

A deserted space, 2020
Oil on linen
300mm x 260mm

Trying to record the seasons, 202
Oil on linen
400mm x 300mm

Interior life, you're too clever for me, 2020
Oil and acrylic on linen
300mm x 250mm

Winter blue, Autumn light, 2020
Oil on canvas
300mm x 400mm

I lay on the pine forest floor, watching the birds and plants move, 2020
Oil and acrylic on linen
200mm x 300 mm

In a world our sensors weave for us, 2020
Oil on linen
300mm x 200mm

Microscopic wind drifter, 2020
Oil on linen
500mm x 600mm

Dear sky, your colours are so high, 2020
Oil on canvas
760mm x 760mm


Gabby Barnes


Taygan Bassi