RMIT School of Art Graduate Festival

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Olivia Leigh Morris

My work is a multi-faceted unearthing, mapping and excavation of space which I occupy.

I use enquiry through durational works, sculpture, print and site-specific intervention to unfold a spilling over of boundaries and betweenness. Intrinsically focusing on the horizontal and the vertical, I unearth a turning over of information, investigating gaps in the context of site.

Through concepts of archaeological gridding and mining I use excavating tools, digging holes and casting space as an enquiry for tracing betweenness. I attempt to merge boundaries by moulding negative space into positive space and combining the past, present and future. I acknowledge that capturing these gaps and between spaces are hard to grasp – I’ve been grappling with this unknowing since the beginning of my project. While I occupy space and land, I endeavour to make sense of these moments while accepting that I will never understand some aspects, nor will I have permission to.

Pointless Labour, 2020
2 hours

Unearthed: Day 5 37° 47’ 49” S 144° 59’ 42” E, 2020
5 days

Upside down Country, 2020
Installation, site-specific intervention

Upside down Country, 2020

Upside down Country, 2020
Installation, string, wood, hebel, rope
2 hours

Pointless Labour, 2020
Found materials at site, wood, steel
2100mm x 2100mm

In the folds, 2020
5 hours

In the folds, 2020
5 hours

*Honours project best experienced through the website

Olivia Leigh Morris’s website
Olivia Leigh Morris’s instagram