Zitian Wang


My project, Magical Landscape, explores the relationship between reality and fantasy through the subject matter of space and time. An illusion of the world is rebuilt through memories of places and emotional responses, out of the concept of normal space. I have been guided by the question: “Does the space people see in real life actually exist, and is time only in our mind?” When I was younger I was interested in photographing the landscape, such as the park, city and ocean. I also enjoyed science fiction because it was magical and could enrich my imagination. My works are achieved through cutting, rotating, merging and blending multiple photos and using surreal visual effects which combine reality and creative photography. These evocative images and visual languages convey a happy and curious emotional state and the construction and development of memory. The intention is to tamper with the boundary between reality and fantasy through the creation of an illusory reality that uses a new perspective through which to see the world, acquiring a fraudulent visual experience. The works express the experiences of my life with emotions and feelings from my time in Australia, including loneliness, calm, freedom, pleasure, happiness and optimism. The inspiration comes from the movie Inception. It cuts off traditional space and recombines it in the limited image space, fusing with the beauty of the real space so it gives birth to a new metaphor and imagination.

Inception 2010, film, Warner Bros Entertainment Inc, Burbank, CA, directed by Christopher Nolan

Loneliness, 2020
Photography, inkjet photographic prints on glossy paper, 3D virtual exhibition by kunstmatrix.com 
624mm x 803mm x 35mm

Calm and Freedom, 2020
Photography, inkjet photographic prints on glossy paper, 3D virtual exhibition by kunstmatrix.com 
594mm x 837mm x 35mm

Pleasure Trip, 2020
Photography, inkjet photographic prints on glossy paper, 3D virtual exhibition by kunstmatrix.com 
594mm x 873mm x 35mm

Happy Vocation, 2020
Photography, inkjet photographic prints on glossy paper, 3D virtual exhibition by kunstmatrix.com 
395mm x 594mm x 30mm

Bid Farewell to The Past, 2020
Photography, inkjet photographic prints on glossy paper, 3D virtual exhibition by kunstmatrix.com 
436mm x 594mm x 30mm


Max Wang


Ken Wentworth